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Section 1. Overview


  1. This article designates the procedures whereby educational institutions, military and clinical chaplains, ministries, associations and other entities may obtain and retain endorsement through the United Pentecostal Church International. This does not include local assemblies or a specific ministry of a local assembly.

  2. An endorsement made pursuant to the policy herein set forth shall be deemed to constitute a recognition by United Pentecostal Church International of a need for a ministry provided or to be provided by the organization or entity so endorsed. In no event, however, shall any endorsement constitute a guarantee of financial or other responsibilities of such organization or entity by United Pentecostal Church International or an acceptance, adoption, or assumption of any responsibility or liability whatsoever either from a fiscal standpoint or according to any rule or principle of law. In no event shall any such endorsement constitute a representation or recognition by United Pentecostal Church International as to any legal or moral responsibility whatsoever for the day-to-day operations of the ministry or ministries of an organization or entity that shall be endorsed.

  3. Endorsees must meet the Procedures for Endorsement at the time of application and continued endorsement is conditioned upon compliance with the procedures set forth in this article and in the appropriate policy.

  4. Endorsees are permitted certain benefits as described in the policy particular to the nature of the ministry or entity.

  5. All endorsed ministries and educational institutions must conform to the Articles of Faith. Officials and faculty members must annually affirm their belief in the divine inspiration and infallibility of the Bible as stated in the Preamble of the Articles of Faith.

  6. Organizations endorsed by the General Conference prior to the adoption of this article need not reapply for endorsement but must meet the criteria in Section 4 of this article for continued endorsement.

Section 2. Structure and Offices


  1. The endorsement procedure is overseen by the Education and Endorsement Board, and all members necessary to evaluate the applications for endorsement. The board shall evaluate and monitor the continued compliance of endorsees. ​​

    • This board may have as few as seven members and as many as eleven members.

    • Members are appointed by the General Board.

    • Terms are for two years with one-half of the board appointed each year.

  2. Chairperson of the Education and Endorsement Board

    • The Chairperson of the Education and Endorsement Board is appointed by the General Board and ratified by the General Conference.

    • The Chairperson is appointed for a two-year term concurrent with the General Superintendent’s term of office.

    • The Chairperson serves as a voting member of the General Board.

    • The qualifications of the Chairperson shall be the same as Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph 1.

  3. The Secretary of the Education and Endorsement Board

    • The Secretary of the Education and Endorsement Board is appointed by the General Board.

    • The Secretary is appointed for a two-year term concurrent with the General Secretary’s term of office.

  4. The Endorsing Agent for Military Chaplaincy

    • The Endorsing Agent for military chaplaincy is appointed by the General Board.

    • All chaplains are to be endorsed by the Office of Education and Endorsement, which is recognized by the United States government as the official endorsing agent of the United Pentecostal Church International. To receive endorsement, a letter of approval is required from the District Superintendent and the Pastor of the applicant.

    • The Endorsing Agent is appointed for a two-year term concurrent with the General Superintendent.

  5. The Education and Endorsement Board may be divided into subcommittees as the chairperson sees fit to address applications or areas of emphasis.

  6. The Education and Endorsement Board and subcommittees may, pursuant to executive approval, obtain professional assistance needed to evaluate the merits of each application and the endorsee’s continued compliance with endorsement criteria.

  7. The Education and Endorsement Board shall make an annual report to the General Board on the status of the endorsed ministries and entities of the UPCI.

  8. There shall be an Advisory Board made up of one representative from each endorsed ministry or entity.

    • It shall meet annually at the General Conference.

    • It shall advise the Education and Endorsement Board concerning policies and other items relative to the work of the Board.  

    • This meeting shall be conducted by the Advisory Board chairperson or his or her designee.

    • The Chairperson shall be selected by and from the members of the Advisory Board.

    • The selection shall be made at the conclusion of the meeting for the subsequent calendar year.

Section 3.  Procedures for Endorsement


  1. Applications for endorsement must utilize the current application form available through the General Secretary’s office. A non-refundable application fee must accompany each application before it can be considered for approval.

  2. At least ninety (90) days before any regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Board, an organization or entity seeking endorsement shall prepare, execute, and file a written proposal on a form to be obtained from the Office of the General Secretary of the United Pentecostal Church International. The proposal must contain the following information:

    • Proof of the need for the existence of this ministry.

    • An existing or proposed structure must be described in detail. This should include provision for incorporation under the laws of the state or province in which the principal office of such organization or entity shall be located.

    • A plan showing the proposed financial support for the ministry. 

    • A plan for future viability and growth of the ministry. 

    • A specific plan for the dissolution of the ministry, including provision for distribution of monies and other assets in the event of the dissolution of the ministry for any reason whatsoever. 

    • Proof of the not-for-profit nature of the ministry.

  3. All applications for endorsement shall be submitted to the Executive Board.  

    • Upon approval by the Executive Board, the application shall be submitted to the General Board for its approval.

    • Upon approval by the General Board, the application shall be submitted to the next General Conference for ratification and approval.

    • Upon ratification and approval of the endorsement of an organization or entity by the General Conference the endorsement shall become effective at the close of the General Conference.


Section 4. Continued Responsibilities of an Endorsed Ministry or Entity. 


  1. Each endorsed organization or entity shall submit an annual progress report, an annual financial report, and an annual endorsement fee to the General Board not less than sixty (60) days prior to each regularly scheduled General Conference.

  2. The financial report must be prepared by a recognized professional accountant.

  3. Any questions or allegation as to non-compliance with the terms and conditions of any endorsement made pursuant to the procedure set forth herein shall be directed in writing to the Executive Board by the Office of Education and Endorsement. In the event of non-compliance, the organization or entity may be placed on probation and the matter shall be referred to the General Board.

  4. Should the General Board determine in its sole discretion that the endorsed organization or entity is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the endorsement, the endorsement may be withdrawn, effective immediately.

  5. The decision of the General Board with regard to compliance shall be final.


Section 5.  Categories of Endorsed Ministries and Policies Associated with them.


  1. Current categories of ministries and entities are:

    • General Ministry.

    • Higher Education

    • Elementary and Secondary Education.

    • Military and Clinical Chaplaincy.

    • Ministry Training.

  2. Policies governing endorsement procedures and fees are to be developed by the Education and Endorsement Board and approved by the General Board.

  3. Policies relevant to the ministry or entity seeking endorsement will be made available with each application requested.


Section 6.  Finances. 


  1. The expenses of the Office of Education and Endorsement shall be paid from the proceeds from fees and other revenues generated by the various endorsed ministries and entities as provided for in the policies of the Office.  





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