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Policies of the Office of Education and Endorsement Adopted 2016 


Purpose of the OEE


  1. To preserve apostolic doctrine, experience, and practice in the endorsed educational, training, and ministerial projects of the United Pentecostal Church International. 

  2. To maintain a system of policies that provide for supervision and continued endorsement for the educational and training institutions and other endorsed projects within the United Pentecostal Church International and to provide support and partnership between the General leadership of the UPCI and the projects that have been endorsed by it. This includes a pathway of communication, a method to provide an assurance of quality and fidelity to the fellowship for endorsed projects, and raising the profile of the brand "endorsed project" for all who see it. 

  3. To encourage the consistent upgrading of our educational and training institutions and other endorsed projects. 

  4. To serve as a resource agency, developing and making available materials and information regarding governmental and social trends. 

  5. To assist in any problem area that may arise in the endorsed institutions or projects. 

  6. To encourage active financial support for all endorsed educational, training, and ministerial entities. 

  7. To develop and manage opportunities and advantages that enhance the status and benefit of endorsement in the United Pentecostal Church International. 



Function Of The OEE


The Office of Education and Endorsement shall function as an integral part of the United Pentecostal Church International and shall be responsible to the General and Executive Boards and to the General Conference.


Enabling Policies


  1. Pursuant to the UPCI manual, these policies may only be changed by the action of the General Board. All policies remain in effect until so changed.

  2. In no way is it the purpose of the OEE to interfere in the operations and structure of any endorsed project beyond the collection and presentation to the General Board of annual financial and progress reports, and periodic site visits.

  3. The OEE shall oversee future applications for endorsement, providing preliminary fact gathering, consulting with the applicant to ensure the application and information are complete, and presenting their findings to the Executive Board to begin the endorsement process.

  4. In the event an endorsed project repeatedly fails to provide the required financial information, is deviating from the area of ministry for which they have been endorsed, deviates from the Articles of Faith of the UPCI, or otherwise egregiously violates the trust of the UPCI, the OEE will investigate the problems, and if necessary, present their findings to the Executive Board for a decision in the matter, including endorsement probation or revocation.

  5. Site visits will be conducted for all endorsed projects as OEE resources allow. No visits may be done without prior notice of at least one month.

  6. Each endorsed project will be assessed a $500.00 fee per year.

  7. The OEE will do all within its power and resources to aid endorsed projects to promote their schools and ministries, including free booth space at an Endorsed Project area at General Conference, and deep discounts on the production and presentation of video advertisement at the conference, as well as free mailing lists available from the UPCI church administration.

  8. Endorsed entities are divided into 6 groupings each of which have their own policies:

    1. ​General Ministries​

      • Tupelo Children's Mansion

      • Spirit of Freedom Ministries

      • Lighthouse Ranch for Boys

      • Compassion Services International

      • Life In Focus Education

      • New Beginnings

      • The Jesus Message

    2. Higher Education

      • ​Apostolic Bible Institute

      • Centro Teologico Ministerial

      • Christian Life College

      • Indiana Bible College

      • Northeast Christian College

      • Texas Bible College

      • Urshan College

      • Urshan Graduate School of Theology

    3. Elementary & Secondary Education

    4. Military Chaplaincy

    5. Clinical Chaplaincy

    6. Ministry Training

      • Christian Service Training Institute​

      • Purpose Institute

  9. It is the policy of the OEE that in the event of a change in ownership of any endorsed entity, its endorsement becomes provisional for one year, to allow new ownership to reapply for endorsement.


Duties Of Officers



  1. The duties of the Chairperson of the Education and Endorsement Board shall be as follows:

    • To preside over all meetings of the Education and Endorsement Board.

    • To initiate ideas for the advancement of the endorsed projects of the United Pentecostal Church International.

    • To supervise and execute the policies of the OEE.

  2. The duties of the Secretary of the Education and Endorsement Board shall be as follows:

    • To serve as the recording secretary for the Board, and to keep a record of all official acts.

    • To conduct correspondence relative to the OEE.

    • To perform such other duties as pertains to the OEE under the supervision of the Chairperson.

  3. The duties of the Education and Endorsement Board shall be as follows:

    • To execute the functions and purposes of the OEE as described in the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International and the policies as adopted.

    • To receive and evaluate all applications for endorsement and recommend their consideration by the Executive Board.

    • To oversee compliance to the requirements for continued endorsement.

    • Upon the receipt of a written complaint, the Board shall be empowered to inquire as to the nature of a course or instructional material and request a discontinuation of any that they deem contrary to our Articles of Faith and Fundamental Doctrine. Any endorsed entity having been asked to discontinue such a course or instructional material has the right to appeal to the General Board

    •  To serve in an advisory capacity to the Endorsing Agent for Military Chaplaincy in the endorsement and placement of chaplains within the military.



36 Research Park Ct
Weldon Springs, MO. 63304


636/229-7900 #7959



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