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General Ministries Policies


The OEE Relationship with Endorsed General Ministry Institutions:


  1. The OEE will have the jurisdiction of all endorsed institutions according to the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International.

  2. The OEE will direct the policies of the overall endorsed projects program of the UPCI, and will accept suggestions from the endorsed projects and make recommendations to the General Board as they deem advisable.

  3. The OEE will bring a written report to the General Board concerning the status of the endorsed projects program of the UPCI.

  4. The OEE will have the authority to recommend to the Executive and General Boards the endorsement of a project, or to recommend that current endorsement be withdrawn from an endorsed project, after proper procedure.  The project will be informed of the recommended action of the OEE and permitted to present its reasons for continued endorsement.

  5. The OEE may inspect the operations and premises of endorsed projects, or those seeking endorsement, with 30 days’ notice.


Privileges and Obligations of Endorsed General Ministry Institutions.


  1. All endorsed institutions must adhere to the Articles of Faith and Fundamental Doctrine of UPCI.

    • ​​All members of the administration and staff must sign an affirmation statement every year.

    • UPCI licensed ministers who sign the UPCI affirmation need not sign a separate statement.

  2. All endorsed institutions shall furnish the OEE with a copy of the current bylaws should any changes be made after endorsement is granted.

  3. No endorsed project shall be permitted to use ministers either to teach or preach who are under question by any District Board of the United Pentecostal Church International.

  4. Endorsed institutions will be permitted to solicit and receive funds and promote their ministries among the churches and districts of the United Pentecostal Church International.

  5. Each institution will receive free booth space at an Endorsed Project area at General Conference, deep discounts on the production and presentation of video advertisement at the conference, and free mailing lists available from the UPCI church administration.  



Our Endorsed Institutions


General Ministries: Currently twenty-two endorsed institutions


Compassion Services Intl.


Life in Focus

Reach Out America

Lighthouse Ranch for Boys

New Beginnings Adoptions

The Jesus Message

Tupelo Children's Mansion

Apostolic Chamber of Commerce

The Center for Apostolic Counseling

Impact Community

National Apostolic Christian Leadership Conference

Points of Refuge

LifeSprings Charitable Trust

Apostolic Healthcare International

Nonprofit Translation Solutions

Lifelife-Connect, Inc

Second Chance Network

Apostolic Legal Association

Apostolic Moral Purity

Raven's Reach

Seed Giver






36 Research Park Ct
Weldon Springs, MO. 63304


636/229-7900 #7959



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